The New Normal: Is Your Content Secure?
It’s no secret that leaks, breaches, security weaknesses, and human error compromise company data. Plus, the risk to critical information has now been heightened, with more employees working from home and everyone navigating shifting business processes in the new normal.
But who is actually responsible for keeping data safe in a cloud environment: the company or the cloud provider? This is a gray area for many organizations and it’s holding them back.
A Gartner report, “Clouds Are Secure: Are You Using Them Securely?”* provides must-have advice on using the cloud securely and includes:
• Key cloud recommendations for CIOs
• Why and how to develop an enterprise cloud strategy
• How to implement and enforce policies on cloud ownership, responsibility and risk acceptance
Plus, read the three ways Box Shield can help with cloud security, including:
• Providing guardrails to ensure users work securely
• Detecting malicious threats both internally and externally
• Mitigating malware attacks by empowering security teams
View the Box newsletter featuring Gartner research today. Also see how Box secures content — with anyone, anywhere, and on any device.
*Source: Gartner research note refreshed 7 October 2019, published 31 January 2018.